I have been so excited to meet Taylor for a while now! She works with my husband, and after hearing her name for some time, it was so great to finally put a face to the name! When I was preparing for this session, I asked my husband what she looked like. Since we hadn’t met in person, I didn’t want to be staring people down at Freedom Park- he so helpfully told me she was a woman with hair (insert eye roll). We have since agreed that he would be no help to a sketch artist!
One of the first things Lee and Taylor told me when I met them (without having to stare people down!) is that they weren’t photogenic. I think this might be one of the most popular things I hear from couples! With them being such a beautiful couple, though, I didn’t quite take their word for it ;).
I think when most people say this, it’s because they’re used to not loving photos of themselves. There are SO many things that go into making a photo one that you love. Lighting, angles, location, posing- most people don’t know how to work all these things for an amazing photo, which is why they think they’re not photogenic. I view it as a personal challenge to change people’s minds about this ;). (How many times in one post can I make a winky face?!)
I met Lee and Taylor at Freedom Park in Charlotte on a beautiful Monday evening. I love shooting here during the week because we aren’t fighting the crowds just as much. We found some beautiful light, and I’d like to submit my argument that these two are, indeed, a very photogenic couple. Adding in a super cute pup like Jack certainly didn’t hurt, either!
A Freedom Park Engagement Session

The saddest part of this session ending was that I have to wait a year to get these two back in front of the camera! Absolutely cannot wait until their May 2020 wedding at Camellia Gardens!
Make sure you’re caught up on the recent busyness- did you catch David and Megan’s Riverwood Manor wedding?