I have been so excited to meet Taylor for a while now! She works with my husband, and after hearing her name for some time, it was so great to finally put a face to the name! When I was preparing for this session, I asked my husband what she looked like. Since we hadn’t […]
I am so excited to share this sweet engagement session with y’all! Alexa and I were able to connect thanks to one of my sweet October brides (thanks, Caroline!), and because of how much I like her and Hunter, I knew I’d be a big fan of Alexa and Nick’s! After talking a little with […]
Hey y’all! I’m so excited to have another guest blog post, this time by Dana, owner and lead planner for A Lark Creation. I’m really excited about this one because having been at my fair share of weddings, I fully realize how invaluable wedding planners, or day of coordinators, are to help your wedding day […]
You might have heard it said, particularly from photographers, that details matter on your wedding day. And they’re right. Details do matter. But if you’re new to weddings, or have seen this said but haven’t really understood it…I want to tell you why these matter and what your details could include! What Is In The Details So, let’s start […]
I. Love. Bridal sessions. But let me just say- up until about 2 years ago, I had no idea what a bridal session was. These aren’t really a thing up north where I grew up. They are, however, very much a thing down south. What Is a Bridal Session? So. If you’re me 2 years ago, what the heck […]