An Edinburgh West Wedding | Patrick + Alex

Well, I’m officially obsessed with the most beautiful venue. Edinburgh West is located outside of Greenville, SC, and it is the most stunning location. It provided the most beautiful backdrop for Patrick and Alex to become husband and wife.

It was really important for Alex to be present and enjoy her wedding day, so for this day, I loved the opportunity to be a fly on the wall and just try to document the moments as they happened. It’s my favorite way to photograph, and I think it provides photos that truly tell the full story of the day.

July 31st was an incredibly hot day, but Patrick and Alex handled it like champs. The beautifully decorated gazebo was worth the outdoor ceremony, and the glass conservatory was such a fun location to photograph. It was so special to witness the love between these two. I’m so thankful I was there to capture this day! Enjoy a few favorites from this Edinburgh West wedding!

An Edinburgh West Wedding

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edinburgh west wedding
bride getting ready
bride getting ready
edinburgh west wedding
edinburgh west
edinburgh west
edinburgh west wedding
edinburgh west wedding
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edinburgh west wedding
edinburgh west wedding
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edinburgh west wedding
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sc wedding venue
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edinburgh west wedding
edinburgh west wedding
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bride and groom first dance
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edinburgh west wedding
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edinburgh west wedding
sc wedding venue
edinburgh west wedding




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