I’m going to be honest about something. I get a lot of anxiety about weather on engagement session days. Like, if I see rain in the forecast, I get really nervous. There’s a lot of pressure with making the call on whether to cancel or continue. This was the circumstance of Ben and Kelly’s Marshall Park engagement session. It had been nice all day, then about half hour before we were supposed to met, it started pouring rain.
We decided to continue to still meet up as Kelly had gotten her hair and makeup done. Close by Marshall Park are gorgeous white columns, so that’s where we decided to start while we would wait for the weather to clear. About 15 minutes into their session, the rain cleared and we got a gorgeous night! I mean, there was a breeze and the skies were open and we got some beautiful sunset glow! It could not have been more beautiful, and we were so thankful we decided to keep the session!
Ben and Kelly are such kind people- I’m so thankful they trusted me even when it was pouring and were willing to go along with a modified plan. These two complement each other so well, and it was a joy to spend time with them in front of the gorgeous Charlotte skyline. Enjoy a few favorites from their Marshall Park engagement session!
A Marshall Park Engagement Session