Oh man. I’m stoked my website is up and running again y’all, because I’ve been dying to share Alex and Catherine’s Furman University engagement session with you. This couple and this light and this whole thing is just…ugh. All. the. heart. eyes.
One of my favorite parts of engagement sessions is that, most of the time, it’s my first time meeting the couple. I love trying to connect before booking, but sometimes it doesn’t work out. Occasionally we can chat on the phone, or the couple trusts me so much that they’re just ready to book! All this to say that this was my first time meeting Catherine and Alex! I felt like I had known Catherine for a while already after emailing with her, but she’s even better in person!
They wanted to do their engagement session at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. This is where Alex proposed to Catherine. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again- I truly love a location that has a special meaning behind it. I think it gives you an extra something to value in your photos. Aside from that, though- this place is stunning. I seriously had to reign myself in because I could have shot there all day long! We started at the bell tower where the proposal actually went down, and literally within a few minutes of meeting them, I could tell that they were going to be a FUN couple! When a couple automatically is giggly and cute, and then she says, “oh I LOVE kissing him!”- you know it’s going to be an amazing session! And nothing about it disappointed.
Alex and Catherine- I seriously had the best time hanging out with y’all! You rocked it in the sweltering heat, were the most upbeat people, and such a fun and open couple. I’m only a little sad your engagement session has happened already. Only because I have to wait until April to get you both in front of the camera again at Pretty Place! (Already stoked for Catherine’s bridal portraits, y’all!)
Enjoy just a few faves!
Furman University Engagement Session | Charlotte Wedding Photographer | Alex + Catherine

I know it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been working on the site, so make sure to check out Maggie and Weston’s beautiful wedding if you missed it!